let's play a names game

Let’s Play a Game

Let’s play a names game. I’ll go first. 

Names of God, names of God – Jehovah Rapha 

You …

Before you say yours, permit me to bore you a little with a non-fictional story. 

On this day last month – June 5th 2023, I casually went with my flatmate to get a pelvic scan done. Easypeasy, right? We headed to a lab in Gbagada, had it done, then my result came back with “thick walled cyst in the left ovary”. 

One thing about me is, I usually have late reactions to some things. I was advised to see a gynecologist as soon as possible because of the size, but the first thing that was on my mind was Amala and then some retail therapy. 

So I headed to Labule to enjoy the sumptuous meal and then House of Debola to buy things I didn’t exactly need. They were cute, so – fair. 

Reality dawned on me when I got back to my room. I was devastated. Not that I lacked faith nor was I overly scared. I was instead angry, especially because of the timing. Oyin in 2021 may have been asking how God sees her but Oyin in 2023 has been through some not-so-convenient pruning. Sermons of people like Apostle Joshua Selman have helped and are still helping me demystify scriptures through the Holy Spirit in this particular season I’ll like to call a breaking one. So it was not a lack of faith. It was not panic mode. It was the Africa Magic one-liner: “why me”, “why now”.

Fast-forward to my state of mind after ruminating on the result from the scan. I started reading up on ovarian cysts, PCOS, any and everything. I remember Biola coming into my room and me breaking down in her arms. s/o to Biola’s brother- a doctor who we burdened with every result I got.   

I had to tell my parents. This wasn’t a headache that needed just panadol. From physical gynecologists (s/o to Dr Ayooluwa) to online family-friend ones, June was the month for hospital visits and getting tests done at a number of laboratories (there were the full tumor marker tests which were to detect if the cyst was cancerous and then a CT scan). 

I remember vividly one of those days when I got some of the results from the tests. My mum was already in Lagos. I forwarded the result to her and one look at her made my entire body warm. You know how you see something seemingly negative but you trust God and do not want to show any fear especially because your child is there? That was the look. She started speaking in tongues quietly. Cancer? 

So many things flashed through my mind. Of all the flashing things, I even congratulated all the people that had me in their lives at one point, how they “dodged a bullet”. Dust to dust, right? Anyways, one of the consulting gynes put us out of our silent misery by properly interpreting the result. Apparently, the result was above and was good, glory to God, and the bit we were reading with the heading “comments” was like the T&C bits of a document. 

I must mention that before this first batch of results, I joined NSPPD prayers (if you are Nigerian, you probably know this) and on one of the days, Pastor Jerry mentioned a case that was like a mirror of mine, down to me expecting a result to find out if a growth was cancerous and my next appointment day being on a wednesday. I know God is mindful of me, but this was a first. 

It felt like an extra reassurance that He sees me. 

The next thing was to schedule a surgery to get the cyst removed. If it was cancerous, the entire ovary would have been removed. My prayer at this point was “God, thank you for the lab results. I, however, do not want to have physical surgery. Being the greatest physician that You are, cut me open in the Spirit and take out what is not of You”. One thing I had resolved in my mind, regardless of my prayer, was that even if I had to do a physical surgery, God will be there with me and nothing will go wrong. He has given doctors the skills. Hence, a successful operation is a miracle!

My next appointment was Wednesday, the latter part of June. I was waiting to be called up to see a gynecologist. At this point, I already picked up the result of my CT scan which was the last test I was waiting on. I checked the result, and again I did not understand them. Forwarded to my parents and my Dad called thanking God. “Yes we thank God my other organs are fine but I still need to get a surgery done”, I said to him. It became clear when I got called into the gynecologist’s office and she checked my result and said “your ovaries are fine. No cysts discovered”.

Hard girl Oyin was crying like a child in the gynes office. God really fully healed me? Me? Oyin?

The downpour outside was just the extra dramatic effect I needed on my way home as I watched the skies through the streaks of rain on the car window. You mean this non-fictional story did not end in poor taste? God really healed me totally?

I don’t wonder how God sees me. I am sure it is with love in His eyes. The type of love that has no bounds. The deepest oceans are not deep enough, the heights of the heavens are not high enough to measure how much He loves me. 

It’s the 5th July 2023 and I am still in awe and filled with gratitude. I smiled a little when I read the draft I wrote in 2021 wondering how God sees me. I was familiar with scriptures but I still wasn’t too sure. 

This is me from the future taking time today, specifically to respond to my 2021 self and to assure her of the overarching love of God.

So back to our game. Names of God, names of God, Jehovah Rapha

You _____________

(I pray God gives you a testimony that speaks of the name you type in the comments).


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    Gideon Emovwodo

    Yahweh-Shalom: The Lord our peace.
    I pray that God’s peace, that surpasses all understanding continually guide your heart and mind..Amen

    Cheers to many more wins.

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      The peace that passes all understanding! Amen and amen! Thank you

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    God is good.
    I pray for a divine turnaround for my mum too. I trust God too much that I know he will not fail me.

    Happy birthday ma’am❤️

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      I saw your latest post on Instagram and I am so sorry. I initially saw your story and joined you in prayers as well but God understands what we can’t while on earth… till we get to heaven. I pray God comforts you. I pray He envelopes you with His boundless love and show you that He is always here with you even in the stormy seasons. If you ever need to unburden, please reach out to me anytime.

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    Gifty Aruwajoye

    I’m so grateful and elated for you Oyin💕💕💕 Our God is the great Physician. Now you know He’s mindful of you and loves you deeply. He is Jehovah Rapha! He heals, delievers and save. He is a God that ruleth in the affairs of men🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏. Congratulations girl 😘😘😘😘. Welcome to a year of purpose, greatness and unprecedented achievements.

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      He is a loving God indeed! Thank you very much Gifty. May we always have cause to celebrate the greatness of God in our lives. Big Amen to your prayers

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    Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals. Thank God for his faithfulness over your life. What God cannot do doesn’t exist!

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      Indeed what God cannot do doesn’t exist! Thank you for thanking God on my behalf.

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    I’m so delighted and elated for you Oyin. Our God is a great physician. What He cannot do does not exist. Grateful for you 🙏🙏🙏🙏. He is Jehovah Rapha, the Almighty God that ruleth in the affairs of men! Now you know, He’s so mindful of you and loves you endlessly🥰🥰🥰🥰. Welcome to a year of purpose, greatness and unprecedented achievements. Congratulations girl😘😘😘😘😘😘😍

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    Really grateful to God for you. Your testimony will be permanent and your joy, full. Amen. Happy Birthday too 💓

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    Alli Simbiat Oluwatumininu

    Jehovah Jireh

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      God supplies ALL your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus, Amen!

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    Happy birthday darling . Joining you to thank God for this amazing testimony!! He will continue to perfect everything that concerns you…..

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    Abike Idowu-Adegoke

    Which of Gods mercies can we deny? None! God is indeed good and kind and He loves us unconditionally . Your testimony is permanent!

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    Thank God for you Oyin. God did this 🙏
    Grateful on your behalf.
    Happy Birthday once again.

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      God is the greatest! Thank you so much

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    El Roi

    Thank you Jesus your testimony is permanent in Jesus name 🙏

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      Yes He sees you and would grant you the desires of your heart. Amen in Jesus name!

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